What you need to know

In addition to broadcast television, the internet provides Hispanics with countless options for consuming and sharing content. Hispanic households own a variety of devices, which allows them to have more control over what, when, and where they watch content; larger devices may be used with family; mobile devices grant Hispanics the opportunity of having some “me” time. For brands to insert their own messages and stand out in this context requires creativity and – most importantly – relevance.


This Report explains Hispanics’ attitudes and behaviors in regards to content consumption and sharing. For the purposes of this Report, Mintel has centered content consumption on video, defining it as watching live TV, watching TV on-demand or recorded on a DVR, streaming online television shows or movies (eg from Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, etc), watching videos online (eg YouTube, etc), and watching videos on social media

Content sharing is defined as sharing videos on social media. Moreover, since sharing videos doesn’t necessarily involve a video that has been produced by the user and may also include sharing of videos watched online, Mintel has included in the definition of content sharing users who also share thoughts and opinions on social media.

Findings in this Report can be supplemented by analysis presented in other Mintel Reports, including: Digital Trends – Hispanics – US, July 2015; Hispanic Consumers’ Lifestyles and Entertainment – US, April 2015, and Hispanic Consumers and Social Media – US, June 2014.

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