What you need to know

Most adults take some responsibility for preparing meals at home, with just a small minority reporting to have no role in this. Scratch cooked meals feature near universally on weekly household menus, with many cooking from scratch most days. Meals combining prepared and raw ingredients also feature on the weekly menu for many households, though less often than scratch cooking.

While many cook to save money, the popularity of scratch cooking stems also from the enjoyment many home cooks derive from cooking. Wanting to control ingredients is also an important reason for many. The importance of these drivers should help to continue to support interest in scratch cooking as family finances improve.

Marketing focusing on the enjoyment aspect of cooking should give brands a means to connect with scratch cooks. Meanwhile, transparency remains important for prepared products to win over home cooks.

Topics covered in this Report

This Report looks at consumers’ behaviours and attitudes related to cooking in the home. Its aim is to explore the existing patterns of cooking in terms of how households cook, their use of convenience products, the reasons for cooking and related attitudes.

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