Despite a rocky start to the foldable phones segment, which saw Samsung having to recall initial shipments of the Galaxy Fold due to various issues with the screens, we’re now seeing more devices start to arrive on the market. In a market that has stagnated due to the difficulty in coming up with genuine innovations, brands are still hungry for a share of this new, ultra-premium segment.

Meanwhile, however, we’re starting to see real signs of digital fatigue among consumers, with more than half of smartphone owners saying they have actively tried to cut down on their screen time in the last six months. This is a real challenge for big tech brands, which will need to shift their focus towards quality of engagement over simply quantity. It also, however, raises opportunities for brands to help consumers achieve their desire for digital detox with tools that can help them create a better balance of technology in their lives.

Covered in this Report

This Report covers ownership of and intentions to purchase consumer technology products (eg televisions, laptops, and smartphones) and the activities consumers perform on their laptops/desktops, tablets and smartphones.

In each quarter, we focus on a different aspect of consumer behaviour. This edition focuses on financial, transactional and product/brand-related activities, including online shopping, managing finances and reading/writing product reviews.

Every edition also contains a Special Focus section, where we address a particular aspect of the consumer technology market. This edition’s Special Focus is on the extent to which people are trying to cut down on screen time on their technology devices and what steps they’ve taken to do so.

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