What you need to know

Beauty devices find acceptance among most women, with broad use of hair appliances and strong interest in skincare devices. Hair appliances continue to struggle in the face of long replenishment cycles and preference for more natural-looking, healthy hair. Skincare devices continue to grow as technology fuels innovation and creates opportunity for women to get personalized, salon-quality treatments at home. Moving forward, Mintel expects the influence of smart technology to change the landscape of beauty device innovations along with women’s attitudes toward skin/hair treatments at home.


For the purposes of this Report, Mintel has used the following definitions:

  • Skincare devices such as cleansing systems, exfoliation systems, LED/laser treatments, hair removal devices and massagers/infusion systems

  • Hair appliances such as blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons and hot rollers

Hair accessories are excluded from this Report.

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