What you need to know

The smart home market is booming, driven by consumers’ strong interest as well as the fast development of the industry. Various market players provide diversified offerings, but eventually consumers see ‘smart’ as more about bringing them convenience by automation. As shopping websites are an important information channel, marketing and advertising should highlight user experience and cover a wider range of consumers. Providing solid proof of value for money will also contribute to sales.

This Report covers consumer views on the differences between traditional and smart home products, ownership and interest in smart home devices, preferred voice control functions, triggers and barriers to purchase a smart home product and information channels where consumers learn about new smart home products. This Report also explores market factors impacting the category, innovations and trends the market is experiencing.

Covered in this Report

This Report covers smart home systems and devices, ie those connected to the internet and remotely monitored/controlled via an app on a smartphone, website or a computer.

Typical products include:

  • Smart video appliance (eg smart TV/set-top box/projector)

  • Smart audio appliance (eg smart speaker)

  • Smart sweeping robot/vacuum

  • Smart cooking appliance (eg smart kettle/cooker/electromagnetic oven)

  • Smart air conditioner and electric fan

  • Smart fridge

  • Smart lighting appliance

  • Smart lock or surveillance appliance

  • Smart wall plug.

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