DIY Review - UK - January 2003
DIY Review - UK - January 2003

Mintel last reviewed the DIY industry in January 2001. This report provides an update on the industry and looks forward at the future trends for the market, as well as concentrating on the market size and segmentation. Mintel also published a separate report, The DIY Consumer, Leisure Intelligence - UK Report, October 2002, which looked specifically at consumer behaviour, and concentrates on the wider industry with detailed reference to particular market ...




Mintel provides a range of market information across categories including: forecasting and share information; internal and broader market environment information; and the issues that affect the market in question.

Market Factors
Market Size and Trends



Mintel conducts exclusive and original consumer research for reports, bringing up-to-date and unique insight to topical issues. This research examines the impact of social, economic, cultural and psychological influences on consumers.

The Consumer


Introduction and Abbreviations
Summary of Key Report Findings
Market Segmentation and Major Brands
DIY Multiples
The Future