What you need to know

The pet supplies category continues its steady growth trajectory as Americans continue to spoil their pets, which are viewed as loyal family members rather than owned animals. Looking ahead, the category is expected to grow as the pet population ages, creating opportunities for products designed to address common issues that arise among older pets. Shifting US demographics, including growth of Millennial and Hispanic populations, are also likely to positively impact future category growth.


For the purposes of this Report, Mintel has used the following definitions:

  • Supplies for household pets including cats, dogs, small animals (hamsters, etc.), reptiles, fish, and birds; horse care items are not included.

  • Supplies include, but are not limited to, litter/deodorant, rawhide dog chews, dog/cat supplies (ie grooming, collars, leashes, toys, bedding, feeding equipment, and over-the-counter flea and tick treatments), and non-dog/cat supplies (ie indoor aquariums and aquarium accessories, bird cages).

  • Excluded from this report are services for pets, such as boarding, grooming, training, and veterinary services; pet food; over-the-counter and prescription medicines; and the actual cost of the animal. Pet supplies sold through non-retail channels, such as groomers and veterinary offices are not included in the market size estimates.

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