Sales of suncare in Brazil increase during summer months, from November to February. In 2014, the country experienced extreme temperatures in the summer, which generated a substantial increase in sales, to R$ 2.96 billion. Despite Brazil’s current economic crisis, it is expected that sales of suncare products should continue to grow in the coming years, albeit at a slower rate than observed in 2014.


This report covers suncare products. Market data includes sun protectors, self-tanning, and aftersun products for adults and children. Market value is based on sales through all retail channels, including direct to consumer. However, it excludes the professional sector, including products sold in beauty/tanning salons).

In addition to the products mentioned above, the consumer section includes the following products:

  • Body moisturizer with SPF (body moisturizing as main function)

  • Facial moisturizer with SPF (facial moisturizing as main function)

  • Sun protection lip balm with SPF (protecting against sun damage)

  • Sun tanning lotion/cream/oil

  • Makeup with SPF (eg foundation, BB cream)

  • Dermo-cosmetic sun protection products (ie prescribed by dermatologists)

The consumer research was conducted by Ipsos Brazil with 1,500 adults aged 16+ in September 2015 (see Brazil Research Methodology for more information). Detailed demographic data can be found in the Databook.

This report will answer the following key questions:

  • How frequently do consumers use the main types of suncare products?

  • What are the usage behaviors of these consumers? Do Brazilian consumers use suncare products to avoid cancer or only when they expose themselves to the sun?

  • What innovations would Brazilians be willing to pay more for?

  • What are the Brazilians' main behaviors toward the purchase of suncare products? Are they spending less on this type of product? Do they stock up on suncare products, or do they buy them only in the summer?

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