Population: 30.38 million (January 2015, Dept of Statistics Malaysia)
Climate: Given its proximity to the Equator, a tropical climate pervades. Temperatures range from around 24-34 degrees Celsius, with high humidity year-round. Afternoon rain showers are frequent, with the wettest months in Peninsular Malaysia being October-December and April-May.
Language: Bahasa Melayu (or Malay) is the official language but numerous

Others, including English, Hindi, Tamil, Mandarin and Cantonese,

are widely spoken
Total area: 329,847 sq km
Ethnic groups: Malay (Bumiputra) (67.4%), Chinese (24.6%), Indian (7.3%),

other (0.7%)
Religion: Islam is the official religion, but Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity are widely practised
Currency: Ringgit (MYR)
Total tourist arrivals: 29.4 million (2015 government target)
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