Capital: Jakarta
Population: 255.5 million (2015 est)
Climate: Tropical, hot and humid, more moderate in the highlands
Language: Bahasa Indonesia (official, modified form of Malay), English, Dutch, local dialects (the most widely spoken of which is Javanese)
Total area: 1,904,569 sq km
Ethnic groups: Javanese (40.1%), Sudanese (15.5%), Malay (3.7%), Batak (3.6%), Madurese (3%), Betawi (2.9%), Minangkabau (2.7%), Buginese (2.7%), Bantenese (2%), Banjarese (1.7%), Balinese (1.7%), Acehnese (1.4%), Dayak (1.4%), Sasak (1.3%), Chinese (1.2%), other (15%)
Religion: Muslim (87.2 %), Protestant (7%), Roman Catholic (2.9%), Hindu (1.7%), other or unspecified (1.2%)
Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
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