The vitamins and supplements market has enjoyed strong sales increases over the past five years as more consumers, especially young adults, have more disposable income and are open to buying VMS products to supplement their diet and lifestyles and help them look their best. New product innovation has also been consistent and as a result the market is expected to grow 15% in terms of value sales from 2012-13, to R$ 2.1 billion.

Individual supplements and vitamins hold high appeal owing to their targeted benefits and generally lower price points; 16% of adults take these products at least once a day. Younger consumers, who are a key user base for VMS products, are heavy users of vitamin C and energy boosters to supplement their busy work and social lives.

This report looks at reasons for taking vitamins and supplements such as the requirement for more day-to-day energy as well as maintaining general health or weight management. Also covered are consumer attitudes toward taking VMS products, as well as barriers to purchase.

Products covered in this report

The vitamins and supplements sector includes the following product categories:

  • Vitamins—multivitamins and single-dose vitamins (ie vitamins A, B C, D, E etc).

  • Minerals—ie iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium.

  • Dietary supplements—includes supplements such as cod liver oil, fish oils, GLAs (gamma-linolenic acids), evening primrose oil, glucosamine, and herbs such as garlic, ginseng, and ginger.


Although excluded from market sizing, the following are still discussed within the body of the report:

  • Miscellaneous products claiming to be “vitamin-enriched” or “performance-enhancing” (ie protein shakes designed to help build muscle).

  • Homeopathic and herbal remedies.

Value figures throughout this report are at rsp (retail selling prices) unless otherwise stated. Market sizes at constant 2013 prices are calculated using Mintel’s Chemist Goods deflator.


BPC Beauty and Personal Care
DHA Docosahexaenoic Acid
EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GLAs Gamma-linolenic Acids
GNPD Global New Products Database (for information contact Mintel at +44 (0)20 7606 4533)
IDF International Diabetes Federation
IHRSA International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association
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