Emerging Restaurant Concepts - US - July 2009
Emerging Restaurant Concepts - US - July 2009

In this report, Mintel provides insight and ideation on key trends shaping the present and future of the restaurant industry. Consumer healthfulness, restaurant sustainability practices, the evolving professional and household roles of women, time management, the Latinization of America—not to mention consumer rationales for dining—shape how consumers interact with restaurants. As these trends are in flux, they will continue to shape that interaction going forward, calling for new ...




This report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

Scope and Themes
Executive Summary



Mintel's proprietary consumer research provides our analysts with the attitudinal and behavioral data used to provide valuable insight to topical issues.

The Big Picture: The Restaurant Trend Landscape
Market Shaper: The Economy
Market Shaper: The Evolving Role of Women
Market Shaper: Ethnicity and Latinization
Market Shaper: The Quest for a Healthy America
Market Shaper: Time, Effort and Control
Market Shaper: Sustainability
Leveraging Decisions to Dine and Treat
Custom Consumer Groups: Gender
Cluster Analysis



Reports provide appendices of data to support the research and insight produced. Our tables of data are easily manipulated and downloadable to support your research needs and covers factors from consumer attitudes to market forecasts.

Appendix: Restaurant Usage Today
Appendix: Additional Consumer Tables
Appendix: Trade Associations