Diabetics: Attitudes and Behaviors - US - September 2006
Diabetics: Attitudes and Behaviors - US - September 2006

The U.S. is in the midst of a diabetes epidemic. Given current trends, one in three Americans born in 2000 is expected to develop diabetes, with diabetes becoming a disease that affects entire families, including children. Pre-diabetes will become a condition (like high blood pressure) that is diagnosed and treated in an attempt to prevent diabetes.




This report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

Executive Summary



Reports provide appendices of data to support the research and insight produced. Our tables of data are easily manipulated and downloadable to support your research needs and covers factors from consumer attitudes to market forecasts.

Appendix: New Product Developments
Appendix: Simmons Cohorts
Appendix: Relevant Associations


Introduction and Abbreviations
Prevalence of Diabetes and Those at Risk for Diabetes
The Role of Medicine
Diet and Exercise
Lifestyles of Diabetics
Marketing to Diabetics
Diabetes in Blacks and Hispanics
Future Trends
New product briefs