Capital: Santiago
Population: 17,363,894 (July 2014 est)
Climate: Temperate with desert in the north, Mediterranean in the central regions, and a cool and damp climate in the south
Language: Spanish – official (99.5%), English (10.2%), indigenous (1% – includes Mapudungun, Aymara, Quechua, Rapa Nui), other (2.3%), unspecified (0.2%) (2012 census). (Note: sum is more than 100% as some subjects gave more than one answer)
Total area: 756,102 sq km
Ethnic groups: White and non-indigenous (88.9%), Mapuche (9.1%), Aymara (0.7%), other indigenous groups (1%), unspecified (0.3%) (2012 est)
Religion: Roman Catholic (66.7%), Evangelical or Protestant (16.4%), Jehovah’s Witnesses (1%), other (3.4%), none (11.5%), unspecified (1.1%) (2012 est)
Currency: Chilean Peso (CLP)
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