What you need to know

Most consumers are generally comfortable with online purchasing, and the VMS market is emerging as a strong segment in this space. The VMS category is well-suited for online purchasing, with primarily shelf-stable products that ship easily and lend well to stocking up. Still, there are many obstacles, and some consumers, especially seniors, simply find it easier and more enjoyable to purchase VMS products in-store. Younger adults, especially parents, are more likely to be multi-channel shoppers, and will be key demographics for retailers and brands looking to increase online sales. Maintaining trust in the quality of products, while offering an efficient, informed shopping experience and lower prices, will be critical to growth of the VMS ecommerce market.


This Report focuses on the evolution of online shopping for vitamins, minerals and supplements.

This includes all retail channels that sell VMS products online, including internet-only retailers as well as the ecommerce operations of traditional supermarkets, warehouse clubs, natural markets, specialty food retailers, drug stores and vitamin/supplement retailers.

The acronym VMS is used throughout the report and refers to:

  • Vitamins (ie, multi-, one and two letter vitamins)

  • Minerals (eg, calcium, iron)

  • Supplements (ie, other dietary supplements such probiotics and melatonin)

Important companions to this Report are Mintel’s Vitamins and Minerals – US, September 2019 and Supplements – US, October 2019, which provide a macro overview of the VMS market.

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