What you need to know

Brazilian consumers’ beauty routine is quick. According to the survey conducted for this Report, 33% spend 5-14 minutes each day on their beauty and personal care routine (including applying skincare, makeup, styling their hair), while 27% spend less than five minutes. Brands and companies, therefore, should offer effective products and solutions tailored to their needs, thus enhancing engagement and brand loyalty.


This is the second Report in Brazil that will talk about Brazilians’ beauty habits. The survey reveals the time consumers spend with their beauty routine during the morning, which products they use and how often, and reveals which products they have recently started using and their interest in innovations. In addition, the Report analyzes the trend towards natural products and provides key indicators of what natural and organic products mean to Brazilians. To conclude, the survey also brings insights into consumers’ attitudes toward beauty.

The research carried out for this Report was conducted by Lightspeed/Mintel with 1,500 internet users aged 16+ in July 2019 (see Methodology). Detailed demographics are in the Databook.

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