What you need to know

The vast majority of Canadian consumers regularly view digital ads, whether via a computer, mobile device and/or news feed. Additionally, most consumers are also exposed to digital ads on a daily basis. Although most see digital ads frequently, frustration and avoidance of such ads is prominent among Canadians, especially older segments of the population. Younger consumers though, display positive sentiment towards the category and are more likely to click on digital ads to learn more about a product and/or service. Advertisers face challenges in attracting certain groups; however, they have opportunity to do well through appropriate ad formats and suitable offerings based on the behaviours and attitudes of these cohorts.


This Report focuses on digital advertising, which Mintel has defined as inclusive of internet-based static and video banner ads, newsfeed ads, social media ads, and ads in apps.

Ad formats excluded from this Report include search, email, digital audio ads, and all non-internet-based ad formats.

This Report also examines the challenges the digital advertising market faces, explores market factors impacting the category, marketing and advertising campaigns, as well as innovations and trends this market is experiencing. The Report covers frequency of ad viewership by type of ad, comparison of ad formats, and attitudes towards mobile ads, native ads, and video display ads.

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