What you need to know

When asked, most Canadians claim they purchase foods or drinks with either organic or natural labels (71%), with a quarter (26%) stating that half or more of their typical grocery basket is made up of these products. Furthermore, considerably more consumers claim that they are purchasing more organic/natural foods/drinks this year compared to last year. While these are positive signs, the perception that these products are too expensive remains a barrier in the minds of consumers, particularly for organics. This Report discusses both the barriers towards and reasons for purchasing organic and natural foods, identifying which attributes prove more and less important for Canadians. This Report also identifies categories that are top-of-mind for consumers when considering organic and/or natural food/beverage purchases in order to provide perspective around where the most obvious opportunities lie.


This Report offers insights into the behaviours and attitudes of Canadians who purchase and/or consume foods and beverages labelled as organic and/or natural/all-natural.

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