What you need to know

The overarching OTC analgesics and cold and flu remedies market enjoyed 3.2% growth in value sales in 2015, rising from £1.17 billion to £1.21 billion, bolstered by investment in product launch activity and advertising, as well as benefiting from the underperformance of the seasonal flu vaccine in winter 2014/15.

However, flu vaccine levels returned to normal for winter 2015/16, whilst negative media headlines in relation to the marketing of leading brand Nurofen may result in a move towards lower cost own-label analgesics. This suggests that a focus on product development for painkillers is needed to drive interest and trading up in coming years, whilst a focus on preparing consumers for cold and flu season could also help to keep the market in growth.

Products covered in this report

This report covers only over-the-counter (OTC), non-prescription medication, defined by the Proprietary Association of Great Britain as being ‘Specifically designed to treat the symptoms of common, minor and self-limiting ailments that do not require a medical diagnosis.’

They are divided into two categories:

  • P: Pharmacy-only products, which can only be sold through pharmacies by or in the presence of a qualified pharmacist

  • GSL: General Sales List, which can be sold in any type of outlet.

This report examines the UK consumer market for OTC analgesics (also referred to as painkillers and pain remedies throughout this report). The OTC analgesics market is defined as including all analgesics available over the counter without a prescription. This includes topical analgesics (pain relief gels, creams and sprays), alongside oral analgesics, oral lesions and toothache remedies.

This report also covers the UK consumer market for OTC cold and flu remedies, cough remedies and decongestants, comprising:

  • Cold remedies: for the treatment of colds, including capsules, tablets, syrups and liquid, powders, hot drinks, caplets and meltlets

  • Decongestants: for the relief of stuffy, blocked-up nasal passages, available as embrocation or rub nasal inhalants and oral decongestants

  • Flu remedies: for the treatment of flu, including capsules, tablets, syrups and liquids, powders, hot drinks, caplets and meltlets

  • Cough remedies: for the relief of coughing, available as syrups and liquids

  • Medicated confectionery: for the relief of sore throats, nasal congestion and coughing.


The market definitions exclude certain other remedies, although some are mentioned briefly in the competitive analysis and elsewhere in the report, eg:

  • Homeopathic and other complementary medicines

  • Prescription-only Medicines (POMs), which have to be prescribed by a suitably qualified person and dispensed by a pharmacist, are not included within the scope of this report, including flu immunisation jabs.

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