What you need to know

Chinese consumers are taking house cleaning more seriously as they desire better living quality.

As people do more frequent cleaning at home, they tend to develop stronger needs for tools that can help them save both effort and time. Market gaps are observed in this report - for example, electronic products that can do automatic cleaning, professional household cleaning services and cleaning products which are able to easily clean hard-to-reach places.

When it comes to manual cleaning, as consumers develop stronger health consciousness, their interest in cleaning detergents featuring natural cleansing ingredients is growing.

Covered in this report

This Report looks into the trends in consumers' cleaning habits and their attitude towards cleaning the house. This includes cleaning rooms (eg kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room); cleaning dishes and doing laundry is excluded.

The Report can be relevant to manufacturers of cleaning tools (both electronic and manual ones), multipurpose and specialised household cleaning products as well as operators of regular and ad-hoc household cleaning services. Companies dealing with household appliances, brand marketing and advertising can also benefit from reading this Report as to understand Chinese consumers’ evolving lifestyles.

Demographic classification

Household income

Tier one cities Tier two and three cities
High monthly household income RMB 16,000 and above RMB 14,000 and above
Mid monthly household income RMB 10,000-15,999 RMB 7,000-13,999
Low monthly household income RMB 4,000-9,999 RMB 4,000-6,999
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