The multifunctional body care products entered the Brazilian market for good. More than half of people inquired say they use this type of product, which they consider to be a worthy ally against the lack of time to take care of their skin. Other products, such as body oils, conquered the confidence of many Brazilians as well. These consumers of body care products look for moisturizers that absorb quickly into the skin and that leave a fresh feeling and a long-lasting fragrance.


This report focuses on body, hand, and foot care products for both men and women. Market value is based on sales in all retail distribution channels, including direct sales to consumers. It includes mass and prestige lines, but excludes the professional sector (beauty salons, for example).

Market data covers the following products:

  • General body care products: exfoliants, moisturizers, and slimming/anti-cellulite/firming products

  • Hand care products: moisturizers, cuticle creams, and anti-aging, nail nutrition products

  • Foot care products: creams, balsams, and wet wipes

In addition, the consumer section includes the following products:

  • Moisturizing body oils (eg almond oil)

  • Stretch mark treatment products

  • Creams/lotions for specific areas of the body (eg for arms, belly, abdomen)

  • Multifunctional body creams (eg moisturizing plus UV protection benefits)

The research carried out for this report was conducted by Ipsos Observer Brazil with 1,500 adults aged 16+ in November 2015 (see Appendix – Methodology and Definitions). Detailed demographics are in the Databook.

This report responds to the following fundamental questions:

  • On which moment, or moments, of the day do Brazilians use body care products?

  • Which qualities do Brazilians look for in a body care product to consider it a good moisturizer?

  • Which barriers are preventing Brazilians to buy more body care products?

  • Which habits of using body care products do Brazilians have?

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