Increasing financial pressures are resulting in a growing number of parents balancing work with raising children, which in turn is leading to a greater number of grandparents stepping in to help with day-to-day childcare duties. This is presenting a significant opportunity for brands to reassess the typical modern family, and to not only target parents but also grandparents with marketing.

But money is not the only area of concern for parents; family health is also top of mind, with many needing help and guidance from brands and retailers to help their children lead active lives and eat healthily, albeit without breaking the bank.

This report explores various areas of family lifestyles, including the role grandparents play in looking after and teaching their grandchildren skills; what families do on typical weekends and what they would like to do on an ideal weekend; where parents hear about new products; and the considerations parents take into account when choosing food and drink, clothing/shoes and entertainment products for their youngest child.


The report refers to resident parents. These are all parents who live with their biological, adopted or step-children aged 0-18 years old.

Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland.


ASA Advertising Standards Agency
BHF British Heart Foundation
DIY Do it Yourself
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GMI Global Market Insite
GNPD Global New Products Database. For information contact Mintel on +44 (0)20 7606 4533
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