Beer is the favorite alcoholic beverage in Brazil. The country is by far the largest beer market in Latin America and the third largest market by volume in the world, with 12.97 billion liters consumed in 2013, the equivalent of 66 liters per capita.

Value sales in the Brazilian beer market rose to R$ 54.8 billion in 2013, a growth of 57% since 2009. Much of the market growth over the next five years will be the result of increasing prices due to taxation as well as inflation.

Regular beer, such as Brahma or Skol, still dominates the sector, but there is an ever-increasing interest in premium and craft beer, with new launches every year. Consumption of beer with low or no alcohol remained the same since 2010, even though tougher drinking and driving laws were introduced in the country in the same period.

The microbrewery sector is still fighting for a fairer tax system, but the number of microbreweries is continuing to grow. This is great news for the market, as the variety of craft beer with different flavor and ingredients continues to widen.


This report examines the Brazil market for beer, including: lager, draft beer, and other beers (including ale, stout, and black beer). The market is further divided into three segments – strong/premium, standard strength, and light/no/low.

Market value size is based on retail (off trade). Market volume size is based on retail (off trade) and nonretail (on trade and food industry) sales.

Excluded: Cider or fruit beers.


IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatísticas (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)
IBPT Instituto Brasileiro de Planejamento e Tributação (Brazilian Institute for Planning and Taxing)
GNPD Global New Products Database.
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