Traditional Toys and Games - US - April 2014
Traditional Toys and Games - US - April 2014

“Shoppers are looking beyond price and are willing to pay a slight premium in exchange for quality and a great toy-shopping experience. Toy buyers’ pre-planning stage, an essential part of shoppers’ path to purchase, is an important opportunity to actively engage children and adults. Brands and retailers could leverage children's ‘pester’ power and the recommendations of friends/family via various advertising mediums (eg TV spots, online ads, social media ...




This report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

Executive Summary
Issues and Insights
Trend Application
Market Drivers



Mintel provides a range of market information, frequently through the category level, including market size and forecasting, complete with market drivers that illustrate the forces that shape a category or market.

Market Size
Segments Performance



Mintel's proprietary consumer research provides our analysts with the attitudinal and behavioral data used to provide valuable insight to topical issues.

Purchase Recipients and Categories
Channels Shopped for Traditional Toys and Games
Kids, Teens, and Toys
Reasons For Buying Toys
Preferred Characteristics in Toys and Games
Influential Sources in Toys and Games Purchases
Attitudes Toward Price and Affordability
Attitudes Toward Traditional Toys and Games
Impact of Race and Hispanic Origin
Cluster Analysis



Mintel provides overviews of the top brands and manufacturers, and uses consumer research to explore attitudes and reactions to brands, as well as insight into what will resonate with consumers.

Leading Manufacturers
Retail Distribution
Innovations and Innovators
Marketing Strategies



Reports provide appendices of data to support the research and insight produced. Our tables of data are easily manipulated and downloadable to support your research needs and covers factors from consumer attitudes to market forecasts.

Appendix – Other Useful Consumer Tables
Appendix – Trade Associations