The Changing Face of Retirement Planning - UK - April 2006
The Changing Face of Retirement Planning - UK - April 2006

This report updates and refines Mintel’s Changing Face of Retirement Planning - UK, November 2003, providing an overview of the entire market for retirement savings products, as well as the social, economic and cultural factors that impact on the market. At the time of the previous report, issues such as under-saving and the demographic time bomb were the key problems facing the pensions industry and a government determined to take ...




This report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

Executive Summary


Introduction and Abbreviations
Premier Insight
Changing Demographics and Working Patterns
Quantifying the Savings Gap
Simplification and Streamlining – Reforming Pension Legislation
The Savings and Investment Environment
Consumer Spending, Saving and Borrowing Behaviour
Present Pension Arrangements
Equity Investments
Cash Savings – The Low-Risk Option
Funding Retirement Through Property
The Consumer – Ownership and Contributions
The Consumer – Expectations and Aspirations
The Consumer – Narrowing the Savings Gap
The Future