What you need to know

The cannabis industry in Canada has had an opportunity to mature since it launched in 2018. Gradually increased availability and declining prices made legal cannabis more competitive with the black market – but the most significant shift was the legalization of edibles and drinkables at the end of 2019.

Cannabis-infused food and drink products will play a vital role in growing the cannabis industry. They will be the primary way for new users to try cannabis, while also acting as a secondary, occasional format for experienced users. And with the pandemic creating more need for stress relief and more opportunity for trying new experiences at home, there is reason to believe usage will increase across Canada in the near future.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • Cannabis usage and how it compares to the first six months of legalization

  • Usage and interest in edibles/drinkables, as well as types of edibles/drinkables

  • The most important factors consumers consider when deciding on edible/drinkable purchases

  • How cannabis usage increases appetites and the types of foods consumers typically eat

  • The advantages and disadvantages of edibles and drinkables compared to other formats

  • Understanding who open non-users are and the opportunities for them to try cannabis

This Report was written from February 4-26, 2021. Consumer research was fielded November 19-December 4, 2020.


This Report covers cannabis and uses the following definitions of these terms:

  • Cannabis: unless otherwise noted, the term cannabis in this Report refers to marijuana/cannabis that includes THC

  • Cannabis user: a consumer who used marijuana/cannabis in the six months prior to the fielding of this consumer research

  • Drinkables: a beverage infused with cannabis which contains THC, CBD or both

  • Edibles: a food item infused with cannabis which contains THC, CBD or both

  • Open non-user: a consumer who did not use marijuana/cannabis in the six months prior to the fielding of this consumer research, but who is open to using it in the following six months.

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