What you need to know

Physical health concerns are often cited as top health priorities as they are likely ‘easier’ to identify. However, attention must be paid to the fact that emotional benefits are often a motivational source driving the adoption of healthy behaviours like healthy eating or exercise. Managing health is a holistic endeavour where solutions must easily fit into real-life contexts. Bite-sized solutions that help consumers identify micro-moments for mental relief will matter more now as mental wellness is strained, and functional benefits will go a long way to affirm choices – healthy or otherwise. The strain on Canadian mental health is palpable and 70% have made adjustments to cope. While Canadians are comfortable discussing mental wellbeing, the pressure to be seen as a happy person means that more resources are necessary to provide consumers with channels to have honest conversations about their mental health state.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • Health priorities

  • Change in control over health since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Mental health conditions experienced

  • Attitudes towards mental health

This Report was written from February 10-28, 2021. Consumer research was fielded in December 2020.

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