What you need to know

The Sauces, Seasonings and Spreads market in China is experiencing steady growth following the COVID-19 outbreak, driven by the leading segments’ solid performance (ie soy sauce) and fast-growing compound seasonings.

As Chinese consumers deepen the habits of conscious sugar, salt and MSG intake further, preference for rich/strong flavours is highly claimed. This suggests consumers’ evolving needs towards sauces, seasonings and spread consumption and usage. Leading category players and newcomers are adopting different approaches to meet consumers’ diversified needs.

Key issues covered in this Report

The Report covers the most commonly seen sauces, seasonings and spreads in the Chinese market, including Chinese traditional sauces and seasonings and foreign sauces and seasonings.


Market sizes are provided for bottled/packaged sauces in the following categories:

  • Soy sauce

  • Vinegar

  • Oyster sauce

  • Tomato sauce

  • Salad dressing

Pickled condiments, cooking wine and cooking oil are excluded from this Report.

Mintel divides consumers into three groups based on their monthly household income:

Monthly household income Tier one cities Tier two and three cities
Low household income RMB = 6,000-9,999 RMB = 5,000-8,999
Mid household income RMB = 10,000-17,999 RMB = 9,000-15,999
High household income RMB >= 18,000 RMB >= 16,000
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