China’s facial cleansing products market saw strong growth in 2019, supported by female users’ interests in skincare, of which cleansing is a fundamental process, as well as their interests in fighting against skin aging, where deep facial cleansing plays a role. Although, COVID-19 has slowed growth momentum in 2020, the underlying trend towards mildness, natural and caring will remain and lift the market back to previous growth levels in the near future.

China’s makeup removal products market has seen fast expansion due to the prosperity of the colour cosmetics market, and thus also took a heavier hit from COVID-19 due to reduced usage. However, consumer attention towards natural and safe, as well as interest in added skin benefits will restore in the near future and pick up the market’s growth momentum.

Increased consumer awareness in treating skin sensitivity and a better understanding of their skin conditions in terms of skin types are pushing brands in these two markets to alter product design and communications.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • The impact of COVID-19 on facial cleansing and makeup removal products markets

  • The performance of leading brands online

  • Launch activity and notable innovations

  • Consumer skin types

  • Consumer usage of and consideration factors for facial cleansing products

  • Consumer usage and interest in trying makeup removal products

  • Consumer attitudes towards facial cleansing and makeup removal products

Report scope

Facial cleanser: facial scrubs products in formats of soap bar, mousse, gel, cream and wipes, including scrubs claiming to have makeup removal benefits as well.

Makeup removers: in formats of makeup removal water (including wipes), gel, lotion, oil and cream, including removal products for face makeup, as well as those for eye and lip makeup removals.


Facial cleansers exclude T zone treatment products, exfoliation products/peels and facial masks claiming to have cleansing benefits.

Makeup removers exclude facial cleansers claiming to have makeup removal benefits.

Market size in this Report excludes tools for facial cleansing and makeup removing, and sales from C2C channels (eg WeChat business or Taobao).

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