What you need to know

A mental health crisis is occurring in the US, buoyed by increasing suicide rates and the global COVID-19 pandemic which has completely disrupted everyday life. Still, most Americans believe their mental health and wellness is in good standing, despite some decline over the past year, which is largely a result of increased attention. The majority of adults are self-diagnosing their conditions, driven by higher incidence of mental wellness (ie stress, anxiety) as opposed to clinical health conditions. Self-diagnosing also drives up self-management. Since most adults see mental health issues as just a part of life, the opportunity to level set mental health management alongside nutritional and physical health is necessary to continue to break down stigmas and improve the mental wellbeing of the nation.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • The impact of COVID-19 on mental health.

  • The state of Americans’ mental health and wellbeing.

  • How people receive a mental health diagnosis.

  • Where people turn for mental wellbeing support.


This Report will explore consumer trends and behaviors toward managing stress and mental wellbeing. It will also explore mental health conditions experienced, where conditions are diagnosed, and what resources are sought to help companies and brands better understand and market to consumers.

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