What you need to know

Consumers have a love-hate relationship with food packaging, but it’s not one they’re strongly aware of. Love seems reserved for function (resealability), but excitement and fun are unconscious drivers. Most instances of hate are reserved for unreliability. COVID-19 accelerated market trends calling for packaging shifts, namely the growth of ecommerce and the need for packaging that delivers the products we expect in the shape we expect them. The benefits of packaging can also meet the demands of an increased focus on health and sanitation. While environmental claims continue their decline among food launches, sustainability and responsibility will be necessary differentiators.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • The unique ways in which food packaging can meet the demands of COVID-19

  • The role of food packaging in a time of economic insecurity

  • Packaging factors that drive food choice

  • The importance of environmental responsibility in food packaging

This Report was written July 2020.


For the purposes of this Report, Mintel will cover trends in food packaging, including all packaging types commonly used for shelf-stable, refrigerated, and frozen food items. In addition, food labeling and claims are discussed, particularly as they relate to themes applicable to the Report.

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