What you need to know

Two thirds of women play video games, driving growth in the size of the US gaming audience. The impact of COVID-19 has been positive for gaming as consumers had fewer leisure options and more time at home, and more than half of women say they spent more time playing video games than they typically were before the pandemic. While female gamers are more likely to play puzzle games on smartphones rather than the action games that dominate gaming conversations, they are no less dedicated than the average gamer. Elevating female voices in the gaming industry will create a more accepting environment where women across all gaming interests can find something for them in a corner of culture that has historically focused only on men.

Key issues covered in this Report

  • The impact of COVID-19 on women and gaming

  • An influx of new players driving growth among women and gaming

  • Opportunities to reach women through mobile, console and computer gaming

  • How expanded female representation in gaming will make video games more appealing to female players

Consumer research was fielded in early May 2020 and reflects women’s attitudes and gaming behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic as restrictions on movement began to ease and businesses began to reopen across the US.


Mintel defines a female gamer as an adult woman who has played video games on a smartphone, tablet, computer or dedicated gaming console in the past three months.

This Report identifies attitudes, behaviors and preferences of female video game players. Any discussions of men will be to contextualize the role of gaming in women’s lives. Readers of this Report may be interested in Teen and Tween Gamers – US, June 2020 and Gaming Trends: 2020– US, December 2019.

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